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The Greenhouse Program started education in 1994-1995. Purpose of greenhouse program; knowing and practicing organic agriculture and soilless farming techniques, knowledgeable about technical issues such as irrigation, fertilization, pruning, spraying, harvesting, knowing the diseases and pests on the plants, making the greenhouse installation, operating the greenhouse, producing undergone vegetable and ornamental plants, to know and apply the methods, to educate conscious technicians.

Production-Oriented Intermediate Member!

In the greenhouse sector, from the planting stage to the end of the production, all stages of the product, to produce qualified intermediate members.


Program Profile

• Basic Science Courses
• General Agriculture Courses (soil, fertilization, irrigation, plant morphology, plant physiology, seeding, marketing)
• Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Breeding Courses
• Greenhouse vegetable and Ornamental Crops Diseases and Pests Courses
• General Computer and use The Computer Courses In Greenhouse
• Organic Agriculture and Hydroponics Tutorials
• Greenhouse Application Courses
• Greenhouse Design, Construction and Air Conditioning Courses

Employment profile of graduates

Greenhouse program; basic vocational courses, as well as the ability to use a computer, this skill can use the greenhouse automation systems, capable of sufficient theoretical knowledge, and this knowledge can solve the problems it encounters, application, adopts this profession cultivating students. An associate's degree to finish and greenhouse cultivation Program "Greenhouse Technician" title. If you have your own greenhouse building facilities graduates if enterprises, private persons and firms vegetables and potted ornamental plants or cut flowers in greenhouses, seed companies, pharmaceutical companies and dealers, fertilizer companies and dealers, irrigation equipment the company that designed and establishing companies, landscape or enterprises, mainly in the tourism companies can work in editing and maintenance of the landscape.

Training Application Areas and Program Facilities

1000 square meters in total greenhouse area of our program application areas: vegetables, hydroponic agriculture, cut flowers and ornamental plants grown outdoors 4 greenhouse, greenhouse laboratory, climate lab and EGETAL Agricultural analysis laboratory .


Access to Other Higher Education Programs

It is possible to obtain a bachelor's degree by transferring vertically to the Crop Production Departments of Agricultural Faculty.

Our Educational Site

Working Area

Ege Üniversitesi